Moringa Seeds

Scientific name:Moringa tree oleifera lamarch
English Common name: Moringa Seeds
Chinese Name: 辣木籽 (Mandarin: Là mù zǐ/ Cantonese: laat6 luk6 zi2)

What are moringa seeds?

  • Moringa, often called the “miracle tree”, is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Africa. It is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds and root are used to make medicine.

Are there any health benefits?

  • Moringa seeds can benefit the body in many ways including improved energy, sleep, blood pressure level, blood sugar level, hair, and skin health. 
  • Regular consumption of moringa seeds can be beneficial for strengthen our immunity, detoxification, weight loss, anti-aging, anti-cancer and prevention of chronic diseases.
  • It can help in the treatment for the hypertension, high cholesterol and high blood sugar.
  • It can also prevent disease, has helpful aid for sleeping, treating depression, enhances memory and fights against illnesses like skin diseases.

How do I consume Moringa Seeds?

  • Remove the hard shell, eat the moringa seeds raw or roast the seeds like nuts.
  • Raw moringa seeds taste bitter at first, while it gives liquids a sweet aftertaste.
  • Intake the seeds 5 counts each in the morning and evening.
  • Moringa seeds are not recommended for pregnant women.
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