Dried Oyster

English Name: Dried Oysters
Chinese Name: 蠔豉 (Mandarin: háo shì/ Cantonese: hou4si6)

What are dried oysters?

  • This delicacy is popular during Chinese New Year for Cantonese because its name, 蠔豉 (hou4si6), sounds like 好事 (hou2si6), which means good deeds, good fortune, or prosperity.
  • They can be added to soups, stir fried, or braised in a casserole.

How do I select dried oysters?

  • The best dried oysters are plump ones from Japan and Korea.
  • Medium sized ones should be oval shaped, brownish color, plump and still moist.
  • Smaller sized ones are usually drier and varies in color either reddish-brown or brown (due to origin). Add these in soup for extra flavor.
  • Dried oysters should have a strong seafood smell.

How do I prepare it?

  • Rinse to remove excess salt and grit.
  • Before cooking, soak in water for at least half an hour or until soft (depending on size and quality).
  • You can reserve the soaking liquid for cooking, but make sure to strain the grit sediment.

How do I store it?

  • Keep refrigerated to maintain freshness and prevent molding.

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